What We Do

Utility bills are complex and difficult to understand. Because of this, most business customers just pay their utility bills without giving them much thought. However, a surprising number of utility bills contain errors. Also, utility companies do not make any effort to ensure that you are being billed at the lowest rate available. Its not that they are trying to cheat you, it's just that

Electric Power:

The ongoing deregulation of electric power across the country is reducing costs for many business and residential user in affected states (California is the Exception). However, it has also made finding the right supplier and rate far more complicated. DVUA will examine your usage patterns and ensure that you are buying your electric power from the right supplier at the best rate.


Manufacturers in particular often have options on the source of their energy and ways to use it more efficiently.


Most companies upgrade their phone systems little by little, as they grow. DVUA will analyze your phone system and bills to determine if your calls are being routed correctly and if you have the optimum number and type of lines. We will also ensure that your phone system is being utilized in the most efficient way possible.

Water and Sewer:

In general, you do not have the option to change water or sewer companies. However billing errors are not uncommon and metering errors can occur. We also find ways to save money through reducing waste.

What is Involved:

There is minimal involvement on the part of the client apart from providing information and making decisions on recommmendations. The client will be asked to provide access to bills and other pertinent information as well as authorization for DVUA to speak with utility companies on the client's behalf. There is no risk- nothing is paid up front, payment is made only after savings are realized, and you can accept or reject any recommendations.


Delaware Valley Utility Advisors has successfully reduced utility costs for over three quarters of its clients. Some examples include:

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bullet5.gif (101 bytes) Managing Peak Electric Demand bullet5.gif (101 bytes) Energy Savings Economics bullet5.gif (101 bytes) World's Largest Vacuum Furnace bullet5.gif (101 bytes)
bullet5.gif (101 bytes) EPA Green Lights bullet5.gif (101 bytes) PA P2E2
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bullet5.gif (101 bytes) PBX Evolution bullet5.gif (101 bytes) Telephone Deregulation bullet5.gif (101 bytes) Sales Presentation bullet5.gif (101 bytes) Links
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